Agent presence and settings

Agents are a set of distributed processes within the ensemble framework tasked individually with various ensemble roles. Each agent process interacts with zookeeper state and its environment to perform its role.

Common to all agents are the need to make their presence known, such that it can be monitored for availability, as well the need for storage so an agent can record its state.


The presence/aliveness of an agent process within the zookeeper state hierarchy is denoted by an ephemeral node. This ephemeral presence node is also used to store transient settings by the agent process. These transient values will have a scope of the agent process lifetime. These ephemeral presence nodes are stored under the /agents container in a hierarchy, according to their agents role. Agents fufill many different roles within the ensemble system. Within the /agents container hierarchy, each agent’s ephemeral node is contained within an <agent-role> container.

For example, unit agents are stored in the following container:


And provisioning agents in:


The agent presence node within these role containers is further distinguished by the id it chooses to use within the container. Some agents are commonly associated to a persistent domain object, such as a unit or machine, in that case they will utilize the persistent domain object’s id for their node name.

For example, a unit agent for unit 11 (display name: mysql/0), would have a presence node at:


For agents not associated to a persistent domain object, the number of agents is determined by configuration, and they’ll utilize an ephemeral sequence to denote their id. For example the first provisioning agent process in the system would have a path:


and the second



All agents are able to store transient settings of the agent process within their ephemeral presence nodes within zookeeper. If an agent needs persistent settings, they should be stored on an associated peristent domain object.


One of the key features of the ensemble framework, is an absence of single points of failures. To enable availability across agents we’ll run multiple instances of agents as appropriate, monitor the presence of agents, and restart them as nescessary. Using the role information and the agent id as encoded in the presence node path, we can dispatch appropriate error handling and recovery logic, ie. restart a unit agent, or provisioning agent.

For agents providing cluster wide services, it will be typical to have multiple agents for each role (ie. provisionig, recovery).

A recovery agent will need to distinguish causal factors regarding the disappearance of a unit presence node. In addition to error scenarios, the configuration state may change such that an agent is no longer nescessary, for example an unsued machine being shutdown, or a unit no longer being assigned to a machine. To facilitate identiying the cause, a recovery agent would subscribe to the topology to distinguish configuration change vs. a runtime change. For agents not associated to a persistent domain object, this identification will be based on examining the configured number of agent for the role, and verifying that it matches the runtime state.

Startup and recovery

On startup, an agent will attempt to create its presence node. For agents associated to persistent domain objects, this process will either succeed, or result in an error due to an existing agent already in place, as the ids used are unique to a single instance of the agent since the id is based on the domain object id.

For agents not attached to persistent domain objects, they should verify their configuration parameter for the total number of agents for the role.

In the case of a conflict or a satisified configuration the agent process should terminate with an error message.

Agent state API


"""An api for persistent domain objects associated to an agent."""

def has_agent():
    """Return boolean whether the agent (presence node) exists."""

def get_agent_state():
    """Retrieve the agent associated to this domain object."""

def connect_agent():
    """Create an agent presence node.

    This serves to connect the agent process with its agent state,
    and will create the agent presence node if doesn't exist, else
    raise an exception.

    Returns an agent state.


def get_transient_data():
    Retrieve the transient data for the agent as a byte string.

def set_transient_state(data):
    Set the transient data for the agent as a byte string.

def get_domain_object():
    TBD if Desireable. An agent attached to a persistent domain
    object has all the knowledge to retrieve the associated
    persistent domain object. For a machine agent state, this would
    retrieve the machine state. For a unit agent state this would
    retrieve the unit. Most agent implementations will already have
    access to the domain object, and will likley retrieve or create
    the agent from it.

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